domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

How green I'm

Saving the environment can sound like a very huge feat made only for scientists who know about the science of nature. But the truth is saving the environment is all about being aware of the effects that our everyday activities create on our surroundings. And if we do find out that we are creating more harm than good to the world, it is a matter of exchanging these habits for a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. I learn about some practices at school and other on TV here are some thing that I do to save our planet. First thin is learning to conserve energy. There are several ways that you can be more environmentally friendly when it comes to electricity use at home. One of the simplest things that I can do is to turn off home appliances that I do not use. I have learned to be a smart buyer. When more you buy, the more things you are bound to throw out. Thus, if you want to lessen the amount of garbage you contribute, then it is best that you cut the buying to a minimum - buy only the things that you need. If you have a well working appliance, then try not to give in to that urge to buy the latest model. Aside from that, learn to patronize products that are made out of recycles packaging; these products do not make use of new substance but instead get their resources from environmentally friendly and recycled materials.
Maybe this kind of thing should be teaching in school frequently and not just for being a popular thing just because is important to know this stuff, is our world and we need to take care of.

Essay - English

Frankly speaking, it is highly essential to know the language for communication. In general, the most popular language is English. In this computer age, English is the only language that anyone can understand. So to say, it has become as an ideal language for expressing ourselves in any part of the world, so for me is important to teach English at university. First, we have to learn the language and then we have to gain fluency in the language. Unless we have the fluency in English language, it would not be possible to work with the computer. If you do not know English, then you would be in need of a translator to do the job.
The first stage of learning this language would be very interesting. Once you are fluent with the alphabets, slowly you can learn many words. It would always be better to follow the method of reading first, then writing. You can use the picture books for this purpose. When you feel that you are familiar with the words, you can form sentences. This is the most interesting stage to learn. You just think of a sentence in your mother language, and try to write the same sentence in English. There could be some mistakes. But you should not bother about it. But, you have to write the same sentence using many different words till you are satisfied with your sentence. If you follow this way, very soon you can create sentences of your own.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


The miners story was so terrible, there’s no doubt about that! People from all the world was follow the story, but what’s gonna happend now?  I’m pretty sure that the story didn’t finish yesterday.
OK I know it was 70 days trapped and there was so many people suffered and all that stuff but it was too much!!! I just can’t believed that people needs that this kind of things happened to realize the bad conditions of miners work!!! I mean they’re always work with bad security and bad conditions and nobody was worried about that! And T.V, news, radio and internet and Mister President NOW are worried about that, It’s kind of hironic… it was a show.
Finally they’re out, I’m happy for them! They’re with his familys and friends and I hope someday they could live a normal life again.
But what is gonna happend now??? That’s the big question!
I have some ideas: T.V shows like realitys (peloton for example) or night programs, interviews, photoshoots etc.  I’m sure that the press have a very tight schedule for them.
They will be so famous, more than now of course and because other reasons.
My wishes for the miners are the best: stay away of fame, fight for better work conditions for miners and the workers rights!

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Knowing other places... New York!!!

I think is very hard to decide just one place to talk about because I always dream about knowing so many places!!! 
But right know the city that I would like to visit so much is New York city ,or the big apple like people call it, because is a very interesting city with so many thing to do!
I would love to visit all the beauty places that are shown at the movies and the T.V shows like the State of liberty, the Empire State building, the central park, etc. There's other reason why i love so much NY: my favorite tv show, called gossip girl it's all recorded in new york, and you can see in almost all the chapter georgeus places of new york, and that's why I love so much the big apple; also my aunt (who lived in NYC for 15 years) and her doughter just came back to Chile and they're always talk about that exciting city where you cand find people from so many differtents places of the whole world.
I think I have a lot of good reasons to choose New York, I really hope one day my dream comes true!

My last semester!

My last semester was actually my first semester here, like a student of University of Chile and was very exciting and pretty great.

Last semester I lived all the new student typical things had, for example the mechoneo: is like when the second year students give us a welcome to the university, I also met new people and had new interesting subjects and others no so much, I also had good grades and that's very important hahaha!
And something very important I that i knew my new passion: soccer! las semester I had to choose a sport asingment and I decided for soccer, since that I play soccer whit my friends and actually I'm in a women soccer ligue and its very very fun! 
Also I figure it out that I really like my career (Nursery and elementary teaching) because I had my first practice it was very close to the really teacher work and I enjoyed it a lot it was so great.

I really don't know what else to say about my last semester, right know I'm trying to do my best with this second semester to have good grades again! and that's all about my first semester, goodbye and i'll be writing. 


jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

What to do/ where to go in Santiago

There’s a lot of people who think that Santiago is a boring and horrible city! Well… I’m going to examples u guys that’s a terrible lie!!!.
There’s a lot of beautiful and interesting places that you need to visit, I’ll give you some explains that you can’t miss it:
Cerro San Cristobal, Cerro Santa Lucia, La moneda, Museo de bellas artes, Barrio Bella Vista, etc.
This are like the most typical places to see:
Cerro San Cristobal have the most espectacular view of Santiago, and have a lot of green areas and parks where you can practice sports and enjoy with family and friends, also have a huge virgen.
Cerro Santa Lucia have a great and beautiful palace called “Palacio Hidalgo”, is very old and a important peace of Chilean culture, also have a very nice park where you can spend your time with family and friends.
La moneda is the the goberment palace.
Museo de bellas artes is a very beautiful and interesting not just for inside, the outside view is also so nice.
Barrio bella vista is the bohemian neighborhood, you can find a lot of places to eat, drink and have fun with friends and family. Here you cand find one of the Pablo Neruda’s houses.
Mercado Central is a very typical and popular place, you can eat a lot of delicious seafood and have a great time.

I could even tell you more places, but you need to discover more of this great city full of surprises!